Become a Staff Donor

I would like to provide financial support to UTS students in need by joining the Staff Giving Program.


from my fortnightly salary and understand that this will be made from my pre-tax pay.

Personal information



By completing the Staff Giving Donation form I hereby request and authorise UTS to deduct from my salary the amount/s as indicated in the designation section above. I understand the University will NOT issue any receipt in respect of the donation but that the details of my annual contributions will be recorded on my payment summary.

I understand that Staff Giving deductions will be made from my pre-tax pay, so that I may receive any tax benefit immediately. I acknowledge that small fortnightly donations may not have an impact on my fortnightly tax withheld. This advice is provided as general guidance only. I understand that if I require further assistance, I should seek out independent personal taxation advice, or go to for further information.

I understand that once a deduction has been made it cannot be recovered. I acknowledge that donations made under this arrangement are made voluntarily and unconditionally and I will not benefit from the donation other than the benefit of the deduction itself.

I acknowledge that should I wish to cease my donation arrangement, I will email and should I wish to upgrade my giving I will use the upgrade form.

Donations are in $AUD.

Privacy Assurance: The information you provide on this form is collected by UTS to maintain contact and keep you up-to-date with information about the University – for more information visit our Privacy Policy. Your name may be published in the annual honour roll. If you wish to remain anonymous or do not wish to receive information, please contact the Advancement Office. The University abides by the “NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act”.